Not everybody wants to spend their career working for somebody else. After all, it can be disheartening to find that your talents are benefitting someone else’s company more than you. As such, you might be considering starting your own company.

The good news is that being an entrepreneur is more accessible today than at almost any other time. Not to mention that the digital landscape can connect you to a potentially global consumer base. Nevertheless, taking advantage of these opportunities requires you to hone and develop your entrepreneurial abilities.

This can take some time. So, when should you start dusting off your business-building skills? What areas should you focus on? Let’s take a closer look at this issue.

Consider Your Options

One of your first actions to recognize when to start dusting off your business-building skills is to review your current situation. Carefully consider the contributing factors to your decision to leave your current role and start an enterprise. Some of the common influencers here include a lack of job satisfaction, symptoms of burnout, or simply feeling that your talents aren’t being utilized. If any of these factors are in place, this can be a good early sign that it’s time to move into a more independent and fulfilling working life.

From here, your next step should be to examine what your options are. Quitting your job to work for yourself can take a variety of forms. It may involve creating a non-profit organization to support your volunteering efforts in the community. Many people at the moment are taking the route of transforming their hobbies into careers. If you’re less confident about starting a business from scratch, franchising could be an appropriate way to gain independence within a structured framework.

This approach also helps you answer the question about when to dust off your business skill sets. By simply considering your situation and potential goals you’ve already started to bolster your entrepreneurial mindset. You just need to keep moving mindfully forwards.

Focus on Planning and Organization

Once you’ve fully considered your situation and your options, the next key skills you need to attend to are related to planning and organization. You may well have some great and unique ideas for your enterprise. However, without an effective structure underpinning these, your burgeoning company is likely to devolve into chaos relatively quickly.

It’s important to start dusting off these skills even before you’ve quit your current position. Create a solid timeline to transition from your employment into your business. Decide on an opening date goal and carefully plot out the milestone activities you need to achieve along the way. This is likely to include completing your business plan, having meetings with funding providers, and finalizing your branding.

You may not immediately be able to switch from your job to working for yourself. In this case, you’ll need to plot out your plans for moving to part-time employment before making the break away entirely. This approach should also involve you identifying the amount of income your business needs to bring in to sustain you. You can utilize this as a milestone that allows you to quit your day job.

While you’re still in your job, you can also start building your skills in the administrative side of the business. Learn how to perform market research either by taking a course or from online tutorials. Creating your business plan now gives you the freedom to make mistakes and learn from them until you have it in a shape you’re happy with. Start making applications for licensing and setting up funding meetings. You’ll usually find there’s less pressure if you can do this while supporting yourself with your job.

Hone Your Marketing Abilities

Census data shows that around 4 million new businesses are started in the U.S. every year. This means no matter what industry you’re targeting, you’re likely to have a lot of competition. Brushing up on key marketing techniques can help give you the best chance to be seen over the crowd by your target demographics.

For both online and brick-and-mortar businesses, a solid social media marketing strategy can be a powerful tool when used correctly. Your use of these platforms connects you to an audience of millions and can help you develop strong relationships with consumers. Not to mention it may be instrumental in asserting your brand voice in the market.

To develop your skills here, you should start approaching social media with the mindset of a marketer. Research which platforms your target demographic tends to use and open accounts on these for your business. Set small but achievable marketing campaign goals, such as achieving a certain amount of consistent post engagement or follower count.

This is an approach that also supports the growth of your business once you’ve opened. Alongside your social media efforts, explore digital brand development techniques, like search engine optimization (SEO) and content marketing. Review your engagement insights and learn what’s working and what isn’t. This doesn’t just help you to understand what tools are effective for your business. It also means you build meaningful relationships with a growing consumer base along the way.


As soon as you confirm that you want to work for yourself, you should begin honing your business-building skills. Even when you’re still employed it’s important to develop your administrative and organizational abilities by making plans and performing research. Remember that learning the fundamentals of digital marketing is instrumental to raising brand awareness and growing your business. By committing to continuous learning, you can give yourself the best chance of creating a successful enterprise.

About the author Beau Peters:

Beau Peters is a creative professional with a lifetime of experience in service and care. As a manager, he’s learned a slew of tricks of the trade that he enjoys sharing with others who have the same passion and dedication that he brings to his work. When he is not writing, he enjoys reading and trying new things.

Image Source: Pexels